Google has always favoreduser experience. It is for this reason that he created a new indexing method: the Mobile First Index, an indexing taking into account firstly the mobile version of one page.

Therefore, it is essential to have a compliant mobile site. So what are the best optimization practices for the Mobile First Index?

1. Make sure your content is the same on desktop and mobile

All content present (text, images and videos) on desktop must also be displayed on mobile. You should not delete content to improve mobile usability. Otherwise, a loss of traffic will be caused when passing the mobile oriented web crawlers.

2. Opt for hidden content in accordions and tabs

Since Google no longer penalizes hidden content after the practice of Mobile First Index, you can hide certain content from your mobile site.

This practice saves screen space and facilitates the organization of large contents and therefore improves theuser experience.

3. Favor mobile design

By taking into account the difference between a computer screen and a laptop screen, you will be aware that the development and design of your site must take into consideration, first of all, the mobile version. So, when creating your site, start by creating the mobile version.

4. Prioritize image compression

To increase the loading speed of your website on mobile devices, you can opt for image compression. This optimization technique is also valid for desktop sites.

5. Use the right plugins

There are a large number of plugins on WordPress which make it possible to ensure a mobile compatibility of your site. Modern page editors, like Elementor for example, allow you to create pages with a responsive design.

6. Avoid intrusive pop-ups

You know that advertisements intrusive sometimes block navigation on your website. We therefore advise you to reduce them as much as possible. You can place advertising bars on the sides or below your pages.

7. Test the mobile compatibility of your site

Regardless of the operating system and device used in mobile browsing, it is mandatory to ensure that the user experience is smooth. To do this, there are a few applications that make this task easier like BrowserStack Or Cross Browser Testing…They allow you to test your site on different devices.

8. Don’t block useful resources on mobile

Make sure the scripts JavaScript, CSS, THE pictures or others are not blocked. You must therefore ensure that these resources are authorized for Googlebot, through the robots.txt file.

9. Check your structured data

If you use structured data, it is important that they exist on both versions of your site (mobile and desktop).

10. Optimize your content

So that your site is mobile-friendly, you need to optimize your content. We advise you to respect the content writing parameters SEO friendly.