THE SEO of a website is a crucial aspect to ensure good visibility on search engines. With this in mind, many techniques are used to improve the positioning of a website on search results. One such technique is the use of static homepages. However, with recent technological advances, more and more SEO professionals are wondering whether it is time to abandon these static home pages in favor of other more dynamic and interactive solutions.

Static home page: good or bad idea?

Static home pages, also called landing pages, are web pages that don’t change very often. They are often used to present the main content of a website, such as the products and services offered, customer testimonials, company information, etc. Static landing pages can also be designed to meet specific needs, such as collecting data or selling products.

However, despite their SEO usefulness, static homepages can have a negative impact on user experience and, therefore, SEO. Indeed, static home pages are often boring and not very interactive.

They may also be difficult to navigate, which may discourage visitors from continuing their visit to the website. Visitors may also be put off by the lack of personalization and individualization offered by static homepages.

Interactivity and loading speed of home pages

Static homepages also have a negative impact on website loading speed. Search engines place a lot of importance on page loading speed because it directly impacts user experience.

If static homepages take too long to load, visitors may decide to leave the website before the page even fully loads. This can lead to an increase in bounce rate, which is considered a negative signal by search engines.

In response to these issues, many SEO professionals advocate the use of dynamic and interactive home pages.

Dynamic home pages make it easier for visitors to navigate the website by providing them with clearer and more personalized navigation options. Interactive home pages, on the other hand, allow visitors to actively participate in navigation by offering them features such as data collection forms, interactive quizzes, games, etc.

Dynamic and interactive homepages also have a positive impact on website loading speed as well asSEO optimization. Indeed, they are often designed to be lighter and faster to load than static home pages. Additionally, they are often optimized for mobile devices, which is crucial as more and more visitors browse the web via their mobile phones.