It goes without saying that the netlinking is important for the good SEO of your website and for improving your position on Google results pages. Having links to your website helps strengthen your notoriety. However, in order to strengthen their netlinking, webmasters can use link farms. Which unfortunately can jeopardize your website.

What is a link farm?

A link farm or link farm is a website or a set of web pages that allow webmasters to obtain links to their own sites. These are web pages with no real added value.

Webmasters normally use it to improve their popularity index. In other words, it tries to create as many links as possible to make Google’s crawler believe that their sites offer quality services.

What are the risks associated with link farms?

Initially, creating links to your website on one of the hundreds of existing link farms produced very good results. But not anymore. Indeed, using this technique presents many risks in terms of SEO.

Link farming recognized as a black hat technique

Years ago, using link farms to send fake external links to your site was a common way to bypass Google’s algorithm and increase your site’s popularity. However, Google robots have evolved since then, and can distinguish between a quality backlink and that coming from link farms.

Over time, this technique was classified as a black hat technique. Therefore, once used and detected, your website will be immediately sanctioned.

Backlinks from a link farm are not of good quality

You should know that not everything backlink type is recognized and appreciated by search engines. In order to be counted, the backlink must meet these criteria:

  • Come from a site dealing with the same subject as you.
  • Be natural and spontaneous.
  • Come from a trusted source.

Google in particular pays a lot of attention to these criteria when examining your links.

Link farms, a volatile solution

A quality backlink lasts over time. This means that the link will be activated over a long period of time. However, this is not valid for those coming from a link farm. They can disappear overnight.

Losing your rank in the SERPs

Using link farms can jeopardize your site and cause you to lose your position in Google results pages. Indeed, the Google algorithm automatically sanctions websites using link farms.


You will have understood, bombarding your site with backlinks from a link farm will ruin your SEO. So you will lose your position on the results pages and in more serious situations, the indexing of your website. It is therefore more fruitful to opt for more justified techniques.