Search engines
The expansion of the Internet has favored the birth of several search engines. But what is a search engine? In fact, it is web software that helps Internet users find information on the web in record time. Using the keywords contained in the search, the web application locates the corresponding information there. As a result, it can be images, videos or even web pages. The result may also appear in the form of a commercial offer.
Today, search engines are numerous and diverse. For the Internet user, it is an essential work and leisure tool. Here is a guide that will provide you with the essentials you need to know about current search engines and their performance.
The different search engines
Not all engines on the web are equal. Each application has well-defined specialties. On the one hand, there are primary engines like Bing or Google. Search engines secondary as Ask Or AOL. On the other hand, we have specialized search engines like Yahoo Travel.
The specificity of primary search engines
This type of motor allows positioning and visibility of sites and web pages. It is used by many visitors, but also by Internet users who make requests. These are the SEO engines par excellence. However, each search engine in this category has a certain number of criteria. In the universe of SEO, this must be taken into account. The giant Google is famous in European and African market. That being said, if you have a site in Chinese for example, you will not get the expected results by positioning it on the American giant.
The specificity of secondary search engines
Secondary search engines are specialized in processing a set of themes. This second category of engine is less visited than the first. Also, it takes into account a small handful of criteria to scan a page. We can cite filestube Or BASE.
The specificity of specialized search engines
In this last category, search engines focus on a single theme. These themes are generally music, THE journey, there dance or even the sport. It is not uncommon to see a primary search engine have a specific search engine. This is the case of: Yahoo Economy.
French search engines
France has a certain number of research tools. Here are a few.
The Orange Giant’s Engine
Belonging to Orange, this search engine is fast and gives concrete results. The first results are often advertisements.
Created in 2013, this engine continues to make its way. As a French search engine, it is rigorous in respecting the privacy of its users. In fact, there is no cookies neither browsing histories with this search engine.
Despite its name, this search engine is of French origin. It was launched in 2010. Its results have links to the web or written press. Furthermore, doubts persist about the fulfillment of users’ wishes.
Other French search engines
Beyond these three engines, other French search engines do exist. We can cite: Premsgo, Lilo, Routaire Ecogine, Mozbot, Koogel, Gwenood and Dazoo.
The new search engines
After the old ones like Yahoo or Bing, other new search engines are emerging.
The non-spy engine: DuckDuckGo
This search engine is intended not to spy on your private life. This is an alternative search web application launched in 2008. It helps the user find images of web pages, but also videos. Its results come from several sources such as Yandex, DuckDuckBot, Bing, Yelp and Yahoo.
The Quora search engine
This search engine specializes in managing questions and answers. Thus, users who wish can design, but also edit their questionnaires. It works according to themes and subjects which offer collaboration between Internet users. This search engine was launched in October 2016.
The ecological search engine: ECOSIA
Using the Bing search engine as a web search application, Ecosia plants trees. Indeed, it uses the costs generated by advertising revenue to fulfill its social role.
Apart from its new search engines, there are IxQuick, Yippy and Searx. IxQuick has the same objective as Qwant, it is an engine that respects the privacy of its individuals. Searx is also in the same style as Qwant and IxQuick.
The search engine that looks like Qwant: IxQuick
Working exactly like Qwant, IxQuick is a search engine that does not store personal user data. It also does not contain cookies. It has a feature that allows both images and videos. This engine is one of the best search engines of the new generation. This new search engine supports 17 languages.
Yippy: The meta engine
This new search engine is unique in its kind. In fact, it classifies the different search results by folder. Yippy also respects the anonymity of your personal data.
The most powerful search engine (Google)
Among all the search applications on the web, Google is the most used of all. As an overview of its greatness, this search engine scans around 20 billion pages and websites every day.
In the SEO strategy, the American giant Google holds an important place for SEO experts. In fact, every day he realizes 500 million requests. Which occupies 15% of the share of overall queries. This weekly figure places this engine at the top of the ranking of internet search applications.
Over time, this search engine has acquired an image search known as Google image. This tool allows the Internet user to find images similar to the query image. With Google image you can find out if your images are used by other users. This allows you to verify the exclusivity of your images. As a bonus, it is possible to copy the image link or simply import it.
Globally, the American giant has acquired 90% of the shares. No matter the browser (Safari, Opera mini, Firefox, Chrome…) used, this search engine is very famous. In his field, he is and remains the leader. Furthermore, it is closely followed by numerous research tools such as Qwant, Yahoo or even Bing.