As content marketing turns out to be the key differentiating factor, on which the brand has an interest in banking in order to stand out from the competition, develop its notoriety and strengthen its positioning on the market, it is essential to identify the Top Dreadful Content Marketing Strategies.
To tell the truth, content creation is not subject to standard rules; on the contrary, the particularity of this discipline is based on the creativity, imagination and innovation of the company.
On the other hand, there are certain content strategies that have proven their relevance in generating leads, strengthening the SEO strategy as well as customer engagement.
The famous Storytelling is today applicable in different fields, not only in the content marketing. He always succeeds in calling out and capturing the intended target. Whatever the field of activity, the Storytelling technique can be introduced from personal experience, real facts, anecdotes, testimonies, etc.
The irreproachable impact of this strategy on the audience lies in the fact that it focuses on the emotional and hidden feelings of the individual. This makes them feel like they have a personalized and intimate relationship with the brand while abandoning notions of marketing, sales, discounts, etc., and replacing them with connections of proximity, familiarity and trust.
The second advantage of Storytelling is its ability to memorize the brand in question among the target audience. Indeed, it turned out to be one of the best practices which allow the brand to be part of the reader’s Top of mind for a long term.
Inbound Marketing
Inbound marketing is widely deployed today. Moreover, specialists say that this tool will be essential for any digital strategy in the coming years, for its strong return on investment.
However, setting up the inbound marketing funnel requires continuous work and a lot of patience in order to successfully convert prospects into loyal customers. Of course, inbound marketing constitutes a long-term approach, the implementation of which requires a long period but which generates a lasting return at a lower cost.
The secret of a good inbound strategy is the creation of enriching and interesting added value for your target, which encourages them to continually follow you and consume your content more.
From this fact, it is essential to know your buyer persona well and to carry out an in-depth study of their needs, expectations, fears, etc. before editing content dedicated to this profile.
Natural referencing: SEO
Currently, we cannot speak of content marketing without mentioning natural referencing. Moreover, some confuse the two notions since the introduction of a strategy SEO necessarily implies good quality content. A company that integrates a successful natural SEO strategy naturally distributes good content on the web.
“Tribal” community marketing
Some companies are not really interested in the interactions of their online community, while the opinions, positive feedback and recommendations made spontaneously by customers on the web constitute a real opportunity for brands to seize. It would therefore be appropriate to integrate them into the creation of content on the brand’s digital media, this will allow them positive word of mouth, a credible and transparent brand image, and proximity to customers.